Residential Roofing Tips

Does Your Home Roofing System Need Ventilation?

If you know anything about roofing, you’re probably aware that ventilation is almost always essential for extending the life of your roof, decreasing energy costs, and regulating indoor temperatures. Roof system ventilation allows for a continual flow of air through the attic, which removes the hot and moisture-filled air.

When speaking generally, conventional houses need roofing system ventilation. But of course, there are some exceptions. Let’s go over a few examples.

Unvented Roofing Systems 

Unvented roofing systems are becoming more and more prevalent. We often see unvented systems when the attic is insulated using spray foam and is fully sealed on all sides. The insulation is applied to the bottom of the roof deck, making the attic a semi-conditioned space. You don’t need any ventilation with this method.

Unvented Vs. Vented Attic

As we mentioned before, attics can be vented or not. An unvented attic is created by spraying the roof deck with insulation, whereas in a vented attic, the attic floor is sprayed. During hot summer months in North Carolina, your attic is likely to be at high temperatures. If your attic is vented, airflow is allowed and hot air and moisture are relocated outside of the home.

The most significant difference is that unvented attics don’t allow as much heat and moisture to enter the space in the first place due to the tight seal from insulation. The attic is now a semi-conditioned space and there is no need for ventilation.

Why Ventilation? 

Aside from the exceptions, most conventional houses need roofing system ventilation. Did you know that class=”s1″>improper roofing ventilation can reduce shingle life by 24%</, costing you more in the long run? Don’t be fooled, attic/roof ventilation isn’t only necessary in the Summer. Proper ventilation keeps wintertime moisture at bay as well. Improper ventilation could lead to damage in your home, roof, and attic, along with health risks like mold and mildew that come along with moisture-ridden areas.

Replacing Your Roof? 

If you’re planning on replacing your roof anytime soon, it’s extremely important to address ventilation before making any decisions. If your home isn’t brand new, you’ll likely need to improve your roofing ventilation system. Ventilation systems should always be balanced, and never mixed.

Have any specific questions about your roof/attic and its ventilation? Contact the Bond Roofing team today.